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The children's picture books about Filo, the boy who always takes his time and sees what everyone else always misses in this way-too busy world of ours!

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Filo's Fantastic storybooks!

Filo's Incredible videos!

Filo 05 th 2.jpg

Filo Goes To The Beach!

Anchor - Filo Beach
Filo 02 th.jpg

Filo Goes To The Moon!

Anchor - Filo Moon
Filo 03 th.jpg

Filo Just Got A Microscope!

Anchor - Filo Microsope
Filo 01 th.jpg

Filo And The Spider Who Left!

Anchor - Filo Spider
Filo 04 th.jpg

Filo Visits The Library!

Anchor - Filo Library
Filo 06 th.jpg

Filo Watches His Backyard Come To Life!

Anchor - Filo Backyard
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