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Enjoy Filo's Fantastic storybook videos!

The boy who notices everything everyone always misses.

Filo Watches His Backyard Come To Life!
Filo Watches His Backyard Come To Life!
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Don't forget Filo's other storytime videos!
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Sometimes to see what's not easy to, one must get down to its level!
Filo Watches His Backyard Come To Life!

Filo thinks that his seemingly empty backyard is...boring! Follow Filo™ as he discovers that it's actually full of life! All he had to do was take his time and look for it!

Filo's Fantastic theme song!

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Caterpillar's Marching Music!

Ever see an aphid stopping marching ants

because a caterpillar is rumbling by? Filo has!

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Filo, and his so secret, wonderful world of his seemingly empty back yard!

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